Institute for Language Sciences Labs

Building closed

Summer time in the lab 2022

palmstrandSummer is here! If you are planning to work in the lab during the summer, please take note of the following:


Covid measures

Covid is on the rise again. Please do a self test regularly to prevent infecting participants. Self tests are available in all the labs that are currently measuring participants (K.02, K.12 and K.13). If you run out, please ask lab support. Also see the lab Covid protocol.

Lab support availability

Support in July and August may be patchy due to support staff vacations. If you absolutely need support on a certain day in July or August, check in advance via

No lab support will be available for sure:

  • during the UIT-dagen, August 15-18 (see below)

Building/lab closures

  • From July 9 until August 31, all faculty buildings will close early: they will be open from 8h until 17h (no access at all after 17h, not even with an XS card).
  • The lab will be closed August 15-18 because the UIT-dagen are unbearably noisy and make it impossible to get to Janskerkhof 13. No lab support will be available on these days.
  • There will be renovation/maintenance activities going on in September and October. The precise impact on experiments is not known yet, of course we will try to keep the lab open as much as possible but we’re not sure yet what will be possible.

Adult participant recruitment

Running an experiment involving the adult participant database is not recommended in summer since a lot of students are simply not in Utrecht then, so recruitment is rather difficult. If you want to try anyway, please contact Iris Mulders before Tuesday July 12.