Institute for Language Sciences Labs


Our e-mail address was temporarily unavailable (fixed)

Update: The e-mail address should now work as expected again. However, we may not have received all e-mails that have been sent to this address in this period of time. If you think your e-mail did not reach us, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Original message: It has come to our attention that our email address,, is currently unavailable for users who do not use their Utrecht University mail account. This problem has just been discovered but may have started already early last Wednesday. If you have sent us an e-mail from a non-UU mail account (such as gmail, outlook or yahoo), we may not have received your e-mail. We are working to resolve the issue and we will update this post once it has been, but in the mean time, if you want to reach us, either use your UU mail account, send e-mails to our personal adresses, give us a call, or just drop by.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.